Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Food And Drug Administration - 1204 Words
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is best known for its role on protecting the health of the public by making sure that food, medications are safe and effective. Especially when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry, its mission is to regulate pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as the drug approval process. However, in the recent years, many arguments and controversy regarding drug development and regulation have risen. Drug advertisements make false and misleading claims, products are being put out on the market without any proof of safety, causing many unwanted incidents such as the Avandia incident and Vioxx incident, which could have been prevented in the first place. Due to these incidents and many severe cases of drug side effects that had happened in the past including deaths, the current way drugs are developed and approved are unethical. Therefore, reform in FDA’s management as well as the guidelines is necessary to strengthen safety standards and eliminate problems regarding drug development and regulation. Prescription drug use has increased steadily in the U.S. over the last ten years. Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug and more than half of those receive at least two or more prescriptions. The amount of people who took at least one prescription drugs has accelerated 4 percent between the years 1999 and 2008. As there is a steady increase in drug consumption, drug development and regulation process should be taken moreShow MoreRelatedThe Food And Drug Administration Essay848 Words  | 4 PagesThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through regulating pharmaceutical drugs, biologics and medical device in context to granting approvals for marketing authorization, surveillance of the clinical trial study of the drug, post-marketing surveillance of the medical product, etc. The Pharmaceutical companies seek for FDA approval for a new drug to be marketed through a long process. This proce ss starts with applying an application knownRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1017 Words  | 5 Pagescosmetic products on the market all over the world than ever before. There has also been an emphasis on beauty and how one presents themselves to others. The combination of these factors lead to an increase in demand for cosmetics. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has little to no control over the regulation over the safety of the ingredients included in personal care products on the market. Problems arise because there are known and identified toxic chemicals in many cosmetics, but not muchRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration898 Words  | 4 Pagespolicy, foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and their byproducts, derived from plant varieties developed by the new methods of genetic modification are regulated within the existing framework of the act†(FDA). In other words, instead of creating new regulations that are specific to these completely unique food products, they are put within the umbrella of other â€Å"natural†products. As time passes it appears to be harder to establish strict regulations to manage genetically modified food. AccordingRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1740 Words  | 7 Pagesto decline and present a risk to future food security. As a world, we are facing an adaptation deficit leaving us very vulnerable and thus, we must seek to find alternative resources to adapt and mitigate the risk to agriculture. One solution might be attributed to genetically modified foods, which are found in 80% of processed foods today, much to the unawareness of public consumers. In America, the Food and Drug Administration has the authority over food labeling and it has concluded that thereRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1903 Words  | 8 Pages2016. On December 1, 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration released a Final Rule clarifying the requirements, which include easy-to-see calorie counts for all â€Å"standard menu items,†as well as the inclusion of statements communicating the average daily intake of 2,000 calories and informing consumers that more detailed nutritional information can be obtained by request (Goldman, 2015). The goal of this rule is â€Å"to make nutrition information for certain foods available to consumers in a directRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration2463 Words  | 10 PagesConsumers thus should be concerned what they put in their bodies. The Food and Drug Administration is regulating food, but people are sicker now than they ever have been. Not only them, but the big pharmaceutical companies also play a role in this giving drugs to people to help their problems but end up with a host of other problems from their fix. With this project I hope to show how incompetent the Food and Drug Administration is by unveiling what synthetic vitamins really are, the chemicals usedRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration843 Words  | 4 PagesThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved naltrexone in 1994 to assist in the treatment of alcohol dependence (Mark et. al, 2003). According to multiple studies of various sizes the medication has been proven to be highly beneficial in assisting with alcohol withdrawal and relapse (Leavitt, 2002; Rohsenow, 2004; Williams, 2005). With the approval of the FDA and the backing of many studies, why is this wonder drug not being more widely used? The following will address how naltrexone worksRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1142 Words  | 5 PagesAndy Nunez English 1101 Amy Sandefur 9 September 2014 Dear Michael Taylor, As senior advisor of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), I understand that you must have thousand of proposals being addressed to you everyday. I also understand that the FDA is responsible for tests that use dogs, primates and other species as test subjects to meet legal safety requirements. ( At the same time, I, and millions of other people believe that the laws on animal experimentation need to be reviewedRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1430 Words  | 6 Pagesto the sugary taste of many foods and go by many names – saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose  ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€œ but they are all formulated by chemical engineers. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes artificial sweeteners as â€Å"probably safe,†and this statement has proven to be quite true (Nestle). For several years, aspartame and saccharin have been linked to weight gain and cancer in consumers and lab animals (Nestle). Because artificial sweeteners are used in many food pro ducts (most commonly dietRead MoreThe Food And Drug Administration1298 Words  | 6 PagesIn 2000, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a health claim which states that consuming foods containing plant sterol and stanol esters along with other low cholesterol and saturated fat foods can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (Jones, Vanstone, Raeini-Sarjaz, St-Onge, 2003). Today, many functional foods in the form of margarines, spread, yogurt, and others, have been enriched with phytosterols and advocated as being able to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Phytosterols
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Poverty Of Nigeria, West Africa - 948 Words
A governor is able to own a six-thousand square foot home fully equipped with multiple security guards, a swimming pool, and far more rooms than needed. Meanwhile, in a neighboring town just miles away is poverty stricken land where someone calls home. It is surrounded by trash, with little food to eat, as the stench of sewage from the local city coats the air. This scenario is foreign to people living in the United States. That is simply because this is a problem prevalent to ones living in Nigeria, West Africa. For decades, Nigeria has been infamously known for the non-progressive gap between the categorization of who is considered to be either wealthy or who is labeled as impoverished. It is a country filled with an abundance of resources, and in spite of this, Nigeria’s poverty rate continues to struggle. The leading factors currently contributing to the growing poverty rate in Nigeria are due to the lack of proper education, the increasing population, and corruption withi n the government. Firstly, the linear correlation between higher education and easily attainable opportunities is a value commonly experienced and encouraged globally. Education is ultimately the key to success, and without that factor there is no foundation to build from. According to CNBC Africa, the â€Å"Nigerian education sector has rapidly declined in the past twenty years†(Rhodes). This statement alone gives a clear look into the struggle that youth in Nigeria are facing daily when it comes to theShow MoreRelatedThe Agricultural And Food Sciences1713 Words  | 7 PagesINDUSTRY IN NIGERIA AGRI 4000-PRACTICING THE PROFESSION OF AGROLOGIST Nathaniel Akinkunmi 7764897 Introduction The agriculture industry in Nigeria has opportunities that are not maximized due to challenges it is facing. Background Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with a population of 177,155,754 and was governed by the British government till October 1st, 1960 when Nigeria gained independence. The Capital of Nigeria is Abuja located in the centre of the country. Nigeria is locatedRead MorePopulation Growth And Poverty: Nigeria1166 Words  | 5 Pageschallenges that people have to face and Nigeria is no exception. Nigeria, a country located in West Africa, is the sixth most populous country in the world with a total population of over 167 million (Rosenthal). The issues that Nigeria goes through as a result of population growth are just a few of the issues that many other populated countries face worldwide. 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Basides to the natural problem of the region some other problems such as ethnic centrism, fragile governance, corruption, unresolved internal tensions, violent extremism and radicalization, illegal trafficking and terrorist-linked security threats affects the peace and security of the people in the Sahel region of Africa. As a result, the Sahel region is one of the poorest and most environmentallyRead MoreNigeria s Strong Economic Track Record Burden Of Disea se877 Words  | 4 PagesNigeria is the largest Sub-Saharan country in Africa and has a population of around 173 million people. The population is very diverse. It has over 200 ethnic groups, with three tribes known as the Yoruba (West), Ibo (East), and the Hausa (North). These tribes speak nearly 500 different indigenous languages (World Health Organization, 2015). Nigeria has the largest natural gas reserves in Africa and is also the biggest oil exporter on the continent. 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By 1980 the British, French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch were being conquered and most of Africa had claimed independence as countries, all the while apartheid was still going on. Even with the riots between warring states, weren’t enough to keep them. It actually caused them to lose more control. Countries demanded freedom and to end the apartheid acros s Africa. Nelson Mandela went to jail forRead MoreThe Effects of Petroleum Business on Nigeria1562 Words  | 7 PagesThe largest petroleum-producing nation in Africa is Nigeria. The petroleum company is the main contributing factor of the GDP in the West African nation, which is also the continents, most noticeable and populous reserves. Since Nigeria was under British control it has suffered socio-economic and political adversities for decades. Corrupt domestic militias and complicity of multinational corporations have rid the nation of its natural resources. The same corporations that are ridding the land andRead MoreThe Ethnic Background Of Nigeria1583 Words  | 7 PagesYoruba ethnic groups. Islam in Nigeria is based on the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad outlined in the Qur’an with varying differences from the rest of the Islamic community. The vast majority of Igbo are Christians as are many of the Yoruba. Popular forms of Christianity include Anglican, Presbyte rian, American Southern Baptist, and Methodist with large congregations of Seventh - day Adventist and Jehovah’s Witness across the country. The ethnic background of Nigeria is diverse from its foundation
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Loon Project in India
Question: Analyse the loon project in India. Answer: Introduction Project loon is a one of the most innovative and implementing projects which have been initiated by the Google with the help of Indian Government. In this project the government and the Google wants to deliver internet facilities all across the country in India by the help of balloon powered. To convince the government about the project and to negotiate with the government about the usage and the bandwidth the new CEO of the organisation Google has been came to India to talk with the Honourable Prime Minister along with the technical administrative people of mobile service provider. To connect the people from the rural and remote location the organisation like Google deigned new technological implementation in their network of balloons[1](Jorge 2009). Initiation of the Project The initiation of the project had been starts in the year 2013 month of June with the experiment in the New Zealand. To test the technology some small group of the Project Loon pioneers has been sent to Christchurch and Canterbury. By the help of the pilot testing of this project it can be help the technology to implement in the India for the effective outcomes of the Project Loon. Technology In the Project loon balloon technology the balloons will float in the Stratosphere and that will establish twice high as airplanes and the weather. With the help of the internet antenna in the building the people or the individuals in the rural and remote location will connect with the internet. The signal of the internet will bounces according to the different balloons and then it back on the earth[2]. It has been observed that due to the thinner atmosphere in the air layer in Stratosphere there are less protection from the UV radiation and the sun rays temperature. To design the Loon the organisation designed the balloon with the help of Envelope, Solar Panel and the different equipment. According to the CEO of the Google it has been announced that with the help of the Project Loon the world can goes around with the internet facilities within 22 days and all the people of the world can easily access the internet facilities with almost 3G speeds. Problem Statement The major issues with the project are to convince the Government of India about the bandwidth space in the internet usage. The organisation tries to develop the balloon technology by using the 700 MHz -800 MHz but the government did not ready to provide high bandwidth amount. After some conversation with the Indian Government it has been finalised that the government will provide almost 2500 MHz band with the help of BSNL service provider[3]. This can be the main problem statement for the organisation like Google to promote the low band. On the other hand it has been observed that there are two additional problems. One of the problems is the use of countrywide airspace. In accordance with the Economic Times, the Aviation and Defence Ministry, Home Ministry were also worried about the safety and security issues of the project, with doubts and worries concerning on close watch, and intrusion with military aircraft or chartered flight routes. Secondly, it has been shown that many countr ies accuse for these reason over flight constitutional rights. So there might be the gaining of the authorization and then the probable imbursement requirements[4]. Impact of the Project There are several positive and negative impacts of the Project Loon. By the help of the technological implementation in the all over the world the organisation can easily manage to use internet for all the people across the world. The technology consists of high speed and it increases the internet usage for the people[5] . On the other hand it has been observed that after several testing of the Project Loon the cost of the project is too high for the rural and remote area development. The maintenance of the technology is too difficult and the balloon will work for only two weeks. Conclusion and recommendation To make an effective desired outcomes the company responded well by the help of innovation and the implementation on the Project loon the organisation like Google needs to aware about the effective technological implementation and proper communication with the Indian Government[6]. To mitigate some safety issues with concerning on the defence and aviation the Google needs to communicate more with the aviation and defence ministry in their project process. The CEO of the Google Sundar Pichai has more confidence that he can manage the government of India in there further conversation and he can negotiate with the band which has been offered by the government. With the help of pre success in the other country the organisation can easily cop up with the factors with the Indian Government and they can easily manage to change the decision for the Indian government. References Bhaskar, V 1995 On the generic instability of mixed strategies in asymmetric contests [Tilburg: Tilburg University] Jolly, Dominique 2000 'Three generic resource-based strategies' International Journal of Technology Management 19/7/8: 773 Jorge, Maria Fabiana 2009 'The generic industry is changing and will require new global strategies and policies' J Generic Med 6/2: 97-98 Karnani, Aneel 1984 'Generic competitive strategiesAn analytical approach' Strat. Mgmt. J. 5/4: 367-380 Samuel, A. E Weir, John 1999 Introduction to engineering design Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Udayasankar, Krishna Das, Shobha S. 'Competitive Institutional Strategies: A New Generic Typology' SSRN Electronic Journal [1] Jorge, Maria Fabiana 2009 'The generic industry is changing and will require new global strategies and policies' J Generic Med 6/2: 97-98 [2] Karnani, Aneel 1984 'Generic competitive strategiesAn analytical approach' Strat. Mgmt. J. 5/4: 367-380 [3] Jolly, Dominique 2000 'Three generic resource-based strategies' International Journal of Technology Management 19/7/8: 773 [4] Samuel, A. E Weir, John 1999 Introduction to engineering design Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann [5] Bhaskar, V 1995 On the generic instability of mixed strategies in asymmetric contests [Tilburg: Tilburg University] [6] Udayasankar, Krishna Das, Shobha S. 'Competitive Institutional Strategies: A New Generic Typology' SSRN Electronic Journal.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting
Introduction Background Before a company enters a new market, it is important to conduct a demand analysis and forecast for the product the company offers. Demand analysis will entail analysing the factors that are likely to affect the demand of the product at issue. Some of these factors include demographic factors (population size and pattern), household income, price of the commodity and the price of other related commodities.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is also important to conduct competitors’ analysis in order to understand their marketing strategies, and their weaknesses and strengths. The analysis of all these factors will also make it possible for the company to assess the economic viability of the market before entering. The purpose of research This paper analyzes the possibility of Domino’s P izza entering Boca Raton Market situated in Boca Raton Community. The research involves a demographic survey of the community and other variables that are likely to affect the demand of Pizza in the region. The demand for Pizza in this community is believed to be dependent on the population size, the income per house hold, price of Pizza and the demand of soda. The demand analysis and forecast for Pizza conducted is meant to help make a decision concerning whether Domino’s should establish presence in Boca Raton community. Research questions What is the population size of Boca Raton community and how does it affect the demand of Pizza? What is the average income per household in Boca Raton community? How does this income level influence the demand of Pizza? Does the price of pizza influence its demand in Boca Raton community? Does the price of soda have influence on the demand of pizza? Methodology The information will be gathered from secondary sources. Journal, books and articles containing information about the price theory (demand and supply and their relationship with price) will be used. The other information to be gathered from secondary sources includes the effects of income levels and population size on demand of pizza. The research will involve determining whether all the demand factors (price of pizza, income of households, and price of soda and population size) are important determinants of demand for pizza. The data collected will, therefore, need to be analyzed carefully and tested. The analysis of this data will entail conducting a regression analysis in order to determine the extent to which all the independent variables affect the demand of pizza in Boca Raton, FL. The demand of pizza will be taken as the dependent variable and will be denoted by Y. The other factors will be taken as the independent variables and will be represented as follows:Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More X1 = Population Size. X2 = Household income. X3 = Price of pizza. X4 = price of Soda. The regression equation that will need to be determined is as follows: Y = ÃŽ ²0 + ÃŽ ²1X1 + ÃŽ ²2X2 + ÃŽ ²3X3 + ÃŽ ²4X4. Where: ÃŽ ²0, ÃŽ ²1, ÃŽ ²2, ÃŽ ²3, and ÃŽ ²4 are constants, and coefficients of the independent variables.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The estimation of the regression line will be done with the help of Eviews statistical software. Literature review Boca Raton, FL Demographics Boca Raton is located in Florida, in the United States of America. The community, on average, has a population of 86,445 (United States Census Bureau, 2012). The population in the 1990’s was growing at the rate of 22% per annum on average. However, from around 2005, the popula tion has not been growing at a very slight margin. The community is comprised of 49% male and 515 female. The population by race comprise of 91% white, 4% Africa American, 0% Native American, 2% Asian, 0% Hawaiian and 3% for others. The population size for the past 10 years for the city is summarised in the table below. Population by Year. Change Rate. 2000 83,014 N/A. 2001 84,251 1.49% 2002 86,005 2.08% 2003 86,034 0.03% 2004 86,597 0.65% 2005 86,325 -0.31% 2006 85,787 -0.62% 2007 85,716 -0.08% 2008 85,842 0.15% 2009 86,445 0.70% This information was obtained from Average income per household in Boca Raton, FL The median household income for the community between 2006 and 2010 was $47,661 (United States Census Bureau, 2012). We shall use the following data to represent the annual household income: Average household income by Year ($). 2000 49600 2001 52400 2002 53700 2003 60230 2004 60300 200 5 47661 2006 56200 2007 50400 2008 60248 2009 49509 The price of and the demand of Pizza According to Harvey, Carl and Hasek (2006), it is generally known that the demand for a normal commodity is inversely related to its own price. The demand of a commodity increases as its own price decreases and vice versa (McEachern, 2011). We shall also include in the same schedule the demand for soda. Assuming that one pizza will be accompanied with one soda, the same amount of soda will be needed as pizzas. The following demand schedule for Pizza will be used in the analysis.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Demand schedule for Pizza by Year  Price of pizza. Number of Pizzas demanded Price of soda $25 100 $13 $20 210 $11 $15 300 $9 $10 500 $7 $ 5 650 $3 30 60 $15 13 400 $8 22 160 $12 8 560 $5 27 80 $14 Data Analysis, Results and discussions. The Eviews output was obtained as shown below: Dependent Variable: Y. Method: Least Squares. Date: 10/29/12. Time: 09:03. Sample: 1 10. Included observations: 10. Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C -1413.077 479.2690 -2.948401 0.0319 X1 0.009757 0.004869 2.003767 0.1015 X2 0.021733 0.004715 4.609647 0.0058 X3 11.11188 5.697891 1.950174 0.1086 X4 -50.38428 10.39577 -4.846612 0.0047 R-squared 0.997178 Mean dependent var 302.0000 Adjusted R-squared 0.994920 S.D. dependent var 214.4139 S.E. of regression 15.28216 Akaike info criterion 8.598101 Sum squared resid 1167.721 Schwarz criterion 8.749394 Log likelihood -37.99051 F-statistic 441.6639 Durbin-Watson stat 0.723781 P rob(F-statistic) 0.000001 The regression line is obtained from the Eviews report and is stated as follows: Y = -1413.077 + 0.009757 X1 + 0.021733 X2 + 11.11188 X3 + -50.38428 X4 S. E. 479.2690 0.004869 0.004715 5.697891 10.39577 T – Statistic -2.948401 2.003767 4.609647 1.950174 -4.846612 To test the significance of all these independent variables, we use the t – test. We check from the student’s t distribution table for the critical values of t at 99% level of confidence and 6 (n-k) degrees of freedom. The critical t at this point is 1.9432. The hypotheses being tested are stated as follows: H0: ÃŽ ² = 0, that is, the independent variable (e.g. X1 x2 x3 or x4) is not an important determinant of the dependent variable Y. H1: ÃŽ ² ≠0, that is, the independent variable (e.g. X1 x2 x3 or x4) is an important determinant of the dependent variable Y. Based on the decision criteria, we may reject or may not reject the null hypothesis. The decision criterion i s that if t-statistic is greater that the critical t, we reject the null hypothesis (Black, 2009). In our case, it shows that t-statistic t – critical, for all variables X1 x2 x3 and x4. This means that all the 4 variables are important determinants of Y. The demand of Pizza is significantly influenced by the population size, household income, price of pizza and price of soda, which is pizza’s compliment good. The coefficient of determination R2 (Adjusted) = 0.994920. This means that 99.492% of the demand of Pizza is explained jointly by population size, household income, price of pizza, and price of soda. To improve the value of R2, other factors that affect the demand of pizza should be included in the model. These may include changes in substitute goods, the future expectations of changes in price, and tastes and preferences of the consumers among others. Demand Forecast Using the regression line Y = -1413.077 + 0.009757 X1 + 0.021733 X2 + 11.11188 X3 – 50.3 8428 X4, we assume the variables X1, X2, X3, and X4 changed as shown below in the next 4 years. 1stMonth 2ndMonth 3rdMonth 4thMonth X1 84,251 84000 85000 83000 X2 49600 50000 51000 50500 X3 25 22 21 24 X4 13 12 16 13 Y = -1413.077 + 0.009757 X1+ 0.021733 X2 + 11.11188 X3– 50.38428 X4 The assumption made is that the regression line was estimated using monthly data. Conclusion and recommendations Form the above analysis, it shows that population size, household income, price of pizza, and price of soda play a big role in determining the demand of Pizza. Domino’s Pizza needs to consider all these factors before moving to the new market. The market seems to have an opportunity because the population is growing, and this will increase the demand of pizza. The issue of household income is another important determinant. The income mostly keeps on increasing even it is with a very small margin. This means the demand of pizza will continue rising. Dominoâ⠂¬â„¢s Pizza may also enter the market and charge slightly less than the competitors (McGuigan, Moyer and Harris, 2010). This will attract many customers toward Domino’s Pizza. The price of soda is beyond Domino’s Pizza control. Reference List Black, K. (2009). Business Statistics: Contemporary Decision Making. London: John Wiley Sons. Harvey, J., Carl, D and Hasek, W. (2006). Economics: Principles and Applications. US: Goodwill Trading Co., Inc. McEachern, W. A†¦ (2011). Economics: A Contemporary Introduction. New York: Cengage Learning. McGuigan, J.R., Moyer, C and Harris, F. (2010). Managerial Economics. New York: Cengage Learning. Unites States Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2001). Household survey. Web. United States Census Bureau. (2012). State County QuickFacts: Boca Raton (city), Florida. Web. This research paper on Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting was written and submitted by user BartRozum to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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