Sunday, May 24, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
A Discussion On Sex Education - 986 Words
Results showed over 335 out 4,214 were cutting themselves at this point in their life. That shows 7.9% of the students have this addiction (Hall, p. 623, 2010). While these numbers are everlasting changing, self-harm needs to be addressed to all ages just as other addictions are spoken about. Eating disorders are taught in the early ages of elementary school. Sex-education is taught the fifth grade. Self-harm is not a discussion in sex-education (Khantzian 668). The only way this addiction is taught to children is by explaining suicidal thoughts and having those thoughts turn into forms of self-injury. Teachers and parents are not able to recognize the effects until it reaches a point where the person can no longer hide their pain. With the numbers of this growing addiction and the urge to begin this addiction rapidly increasing, the factors of self-harm need to be discussed as one entity instead of comparing them to another addiction (Wang 666). Different generations and different e thnic groups are involved when it comes to self-harm addictions. â€Å"There is no single â€Å"self-injurer†profile. The rates of self-harm continue to grow, especially in certain communities (Hall 623). In an article â€Å"Non-suicidal Self-Injury among Ethnically and Racially Diverse Emerging Adults,†research was performed to observe those with the addiction of NSSI in specific ethnic groups. The groups were gathered and were consisted of multiple races such as African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, andShow MoreRelatedThe Discussion Of Teaching Sex Education1558 Words  | 7 PagesThe discussion of teaching sex education in classrooms were brought up as early as 1912. Movies that are used in sex education can alter the way teens think of sex. The films used in sex education portrays the different relationships that are created. The history of sex education in North America is a history of prohibition and has been concerned with limiting the scope of sexualit y its ideas, affects, movements and practices. In sex education schools create a space in which students and teachersRead MoreSex Education : Why It s Important1131 Words  | 5 PagesSex Education : Why It’s Important Plenty of us, if not all, will agree that as hormones run rampant and curiosity grows even bigger, teenagers and young adults alike will partake in sexual activities as a way to explore their own newfound needs and desires. Though this may be what many enjoy doing, it does come with its own consequences. Regardless of age, sex can definitely result in a multitude of burdens including unwanted pregnancies, as well as various STDs and HPVs (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, HerpesRead MoreParental Sex Education987 Words  | 4 Pagesabstinence-only education from 73 million in 2001 to 204 million in 2008 (Boonstra, 2010). In a 2007 study, paid for by the United States government, there was no evidence supporting a difference in the number of sex partners, how often birth control methods were used, and age of first intercourse, between youth that was taught abstinence-only and a control group that received no sexual education. It is increasingly important that parents start teaching their children comprehensive sex education at homeRead MoreSex Education : The Problem With Sexual Education1327 Words  | 6 PagesThere are a lot of issues when it comes to Sex Education in our education system. I thought that I was one of few that thought there was actually an issue until we had a discussion post about it earlier in the semester. Through that assignment I learned that it is definitely more controversial than I could have ever imagined, and I also learned that more people think that there is a problem than just me. After that discussion post I felt really passionately about this topic and what we are doingRead MoreThe Problem Of Single Sex Schools894 Words  | 4 PagesThe most important reason we attend school is to get an education despite how cliche it may sound. The reason to believe single sex schools could help is very much a possibility. According to some researchers girls already learn more in class when the class temperature is warm while boys are opposite in they learn better in a more cool environment (Great Kids). While this is just a basic experiment and may not always be the case, separation between sexes could be a possible solution towards raisingRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Education1613 Words  | 7 PagesWhen hearing the term â€Å"sex education,†most will immediately think of â€Å"the talk†that parents have with children. â€Å"The talk,†a phrase widely used through everyday life, movies, television, etc. is intended by parents to inform their children of the consequences of unsafe sex and to explain how babies are made. Despite being a necessary conversation at home, this â€Å"talk†is generally vague and uninformative in comparison to classes on the subject. However, this topic causes chaos when dealing withRead MoreThe Best Kind of Sex Education708 Words  | 3 Pages There is much controversy over which form of sex education should be taught, comprehensive sex education, or abstinence-only sex education. The definition for comprehensive sex education is responsible and balanced sexuality education that seeks to assist young people in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about caring for their sexual health, and help them acquire skills to make decisions now and in the future. It is medically accurate and providesRead More Parental Communication1539 Words  | 7 PagesResearch findings of parental communication about sex were mixed and inconclusive. The attempts to synthesise findings is complicated by different research methods, wide varied measurements of parent- adolescent communication, and differing perceptions of various groups. The inconsistent and contradictory findings might result from a lack of standard measurements across studies. Existing studies on parent-child communication about sex have several limitations. First, a number of studies haveRead MoreSexual Education Is An Invaluable Part Of The Public School Curriculum1196 Words  | 5 Pagesbe left astray. That is, of course, if there was not a secondary source available full of the same wisdom a parent could provide. In particular, when it comes to sexual education, there are many adverse effects that could arise should that child never be given the thorough discussion that the topic surely needs. Sexual education is an invaluable part of the public school curriculum. I know this not only from my personal experience as a teen but also from the research confirming it’s positive effectsRead MoreA Research Study On Sex Education808 Words  | 4 Pagespeer reviewed journal Sex Education, investigates childism, or systematic discrimination against children, which stems from conservative beliefs that parents have high authority and children belong i n the private sphere. Within the context of sex education, childism is a primary factor in programs that place the values of parents and society over the needs and rights of the child. While including discussions about the importance of personal and family values in sex education is reasonable, it is unreasonable
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Behavior and the Environment Essays - 1039 Words
Human Behavior and the Environment Sabrina Hartman PSY/460 May 27, 2013 Dr. Michael Mckellip Human Behavior and the Environment Within this paper, we will discuss how environmental cues shape behavior. We will also look at how behavior can be modified to support sustainability, as well as how this can limit a negative impact on the environment. Then we will describe how social norms influence behavior and beliefs about the environment. Finally, we will identify two possible solutions that could successfully change behavior and habits in order to lessen negative environment impact. Let us begin with how environmental cues shape our behavior. How Environmental Cues Shape Behavior An†¦show more content†¦Another behavior that can be adopted to support sustainability is to grow your own food. The more people who grow their own crops instead of buying from companies like Monsanto, the less money these companies will make. If they do not make any money, then they cannot produce their products. This may seem like a bad idea, until you realize what their product actually is. Yes, they produce food. However, this food has been genetically modified and covered in pesticides. These pesticides are causing all sort of horrible problems with our eco system, as well as wreaking havoc on our health. How can these modifications limit the negative impact to the environment that we are currently having? These new behaviors that you can adopt into your lifestyle will help your fellow man, and will creating a longer lasting system than what we have now. Some of the habits we have right now are depleting our non-renewable resources, and just as the name implies, these resources cannot be gotten back once they are used. Social Norms Social norms have a huge impact on behavior, normally dictating what that behavior might be. It has now becoming more and more acceptable to be wasteful and not care about our environment. In the early 1990’s there was lots of propaganda about saving the planet and helping the environment. Now, it seems that everyone has forgotten all about that in favor of their new toys, like the iPhone. It usually depends on what yourShow MoreRelatedHuman Behavior And The Environment1899 Words  | 8 PagesRural Paper Human behavior and the environment are interconnected, for an instant, we learn behaviors from family, peers and the environment around us. 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Such as language, we may need to repeat aRead MoreHuman Behavior and the Social Environment: A Look at Three Theories1301 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Behavior and the Social Environment Social work has long recognized the relationship between the behavior of an individual and the environment in which the individual interacts (Hutchison, 2008). Human behavior theories offer a framework to organize, interpret and understand this relationship (Hutchison, 2008). For this case study, the following three theories will be examined for relevancy: Life cycle theory, role theory and resiliency theory. Life Cycle Theory Psychosocial development
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Nursing Career Essay Example For Students
Nursing Career Essay Nursing as a career appeals to a lot of people, but a lack of information and proper instruction tends to be a hindrance and setbacks to a lot of potential nurses from venturing into it fully. But however, they need to have specific personal qualities to succeed in this profession, including to be compassionate, caring, kind and friendly. Outline1 What is nursing?2 Nursing as a Career3 Roles of Nurses4 Nursing Concepts and processes5 Qualities/Attributes of Nursing6 Conclusion What is nursing? Nursing can be said to be the career within the healthcare sector that engrossed on the care of families, individuals, communities to maintain or recover the quality of life and optimal health. This job can also be referred to by four different and specialist roles namely; mental health, disability, pediatric, and geriatric. These group of skilled and qualified professionals are dynamic and work in every type of health setting from patient’s home to surgeries providing service for countless people in need, ill or vulnerable each year. Nursing as a Career If you are interested in choosing this career, you need to be aware of nursing concepts, processes and practice starting with the requests. The first step in understanding these procedures is registering with your country’s nursing board. This will serve as an introduction to the nursing career. Then depending on the country you reside, after having your vocational-specific degree, you will need additional qualification, for example, in the United States, after the basic education, you must pass the NCLEX-RN examination; while in the United Kingdom, it is a must you register with the nursing and midwifery council. It is very important to check your educational requirement and local registration before pursuing this kind of career. In some countries such as the United Kingdom, the government may fund your training by providing stipends and tuition fees so you won’t have expenses to deal with during or at the end of your degree. Roles of Nurses A large responsibility of patients’ care is usually entrusted to an individual in this field especially as a skilled and qualified one. The roles of nurses include: Administering treatments and medicines described by doctors Helping to analyze result after performing diagnostic tests Consulting with other health personnel who are professional such as pharmacist or doctors Enlightening patients on how to manage illness or injuries both at home and long-term Making records of finding after observing the patient The exciting part of these roles is that it can be done as part of a large team which may include doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapist and more making your workday challenging, fast-paced and highly rewarding irrespective of your nursing specialization. Nursing Concepts and processes In providing ultimate care to patients, nurses implement the nursing care plan using its processes which is based on a specific nursing concept selected based on the population served and care setting.  Like other professions, this job has developed different theories derived from nursing concepts, processes, and practices. Examples of specialist areas in the nursing field are: Orthopedic Oncology In informatics domain Telenursing Perioperative Palliative Cardiac Obstetrical Qualities/Attributes of Nursing The one choosing to do this job should possess important qualities that will outline these concepts and ethics. Some of the attributes of this job should possess include:    Kindness: it is not everyone that is comfortable seeing a health professional, they may get scared and frightened in the first instance, but a kind approach from a medical person can ease the patient fear.    Ability to work in a team: Working as a team is a key to the success of any organization, and this also applies to nursing, as working together in a team make it easier to despatch all duties with ultimate ease.    Emotional empathy: Dealing with a lot of people in different situations can be overwhelming. But being emotionally empathic will help in building a strong rapport with any patient you come across to treat.    Integrity: working in the medical domain demands integrity, they need to have patient confidentiality and have the integrity to abide by it irrespective of the circumstance. .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c , .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .postImageUrl , .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c , .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:hover , .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:visited , .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:active { border:0!important; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:active , .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u31656b45979814a89e16d6f1ce8b941c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Western Expansion Of The U.S. Essay ThesisThese skills, along with your qualifications and professional competence are what should be emphasized on, by those who want to venture into the nursing field. Conclusion Nursing requires a lot of dedication, handwork, education, right mannerism to be able to deal with difficult situations and patients. Saving people’s lives isn’t as easy as it seems, as you will face a lot of tragedies and hardships which can result in a stressful break. But it is excellent to know nursing, because people are looking for this kind of employee all over the world due to the shortage of skilled person who works in this domain. All you need is to get the right qualification and skills, then start your nursing as a career.
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